Boxy Boo YouTube Viral

VFX - Video Production - Editing - Music Production - Sound Design - Acting - Script Writing - Post Production
Watch how “Skunx agents” try to uncover the secrets of a strange box creature called Boxy Boo.

Our team was tasked with bringing the charming character to life in a new video and we rose to the challenge with incredible 3D and film work. The result is a visually stunning masterpiece that showcases the incredible talent and technical skills of our team.

With a tight timeline of just one week, our team of skilled 3D artists and filmmakers worked tirelessly to bring the character of Boxy Boo to life in a way that was both captivating and engaging. From the intricate details of the character's design to the smooth animations and film work, every aspect of the video was crafted with care and attention to detail. Whether you're a fan of Boxy Boo or just appreciate cutting-edge 3D and film work, this video is a must-see. Join us as we showcase the magic of our team and the incredible work that went into bringing Boxy Boo to life. Let’s work together!